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Kazinn's Profile
Sup everyone - myself justnow
Sex: N/A
40 years old 
Bundaberg, QLD 
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Jinxy Part 1
Last Profile Login: 4/19/2012
Last World Login: 2/26/2008
Member Since: 12/2/2007
General Info
I Am Here For: A bit of everything
Marital Status: Single
Children: Eventually
Education: High School
Religion: Atheist
Smoke: N/A
Drink: Yes
Occupation: Telecommunications
Body Type: Average
Height: N/A
Ethnicity: White / Caucasian
Languages: English
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Kazinn's Scoop
About me:
allways hate filling these in but what the hey.... im a online transexual and im not afraid to be open about it, im in my mid 20s and live in the land down under (Australia if you need more info) i work alot :( in telecommunications, in other words i teach people to read their bills properly and pass off actual problems to people that have actually trainning hehe... Im openly Bisexual and quite kinky, my main interests lay in BDSM and power exchanges so feel free to start up a convo about that sort of thing :) I also am a heavy sexual roleplayer and a amature fetish writer, have writen a couple short stories with BDSM themes but due to work lately ive sorta slowed down a bit with that, *Slaps myself* I also enjoy a simular programe to this one called Second Life... Anyway nice too meet you and ill add more at a later date. Kaz
Who I'd like to meet:
I pulled up next to the house in my pink sports car it was all prepaired for the journey, padded and air filted all nice and comfortable for its guest. I slowly approched the house my heart beat with excitment as the i gazed apon the sturdy brick home, noticing the curtains ruffle in the wind slightly revealing her to me for a moment, I Smiled as i took out the dark mesh bag and crept towards the door, Luckly it was unlocked for some reason as i slowly and quietly twisted the cold metal handle and pushed it open, i gazed arround and saw a dim light coming from the next room and slowly approched it, my heart pounding in my chest with excitment as i peared arround the door way, She was sitting at her computer chating online with someone no doubt, she didnt notice me as i slowly came up behind her and quickly sliped the black bag over her head, holding it tightly she begain to struggle in surprise, pulling the drawstring tightly arround her neck i grabs her thrashing wrists and pulled her up off the chair and knocking her to the ground, pressing my knee into her back as i knelt over her body i took out a long peice of rope and begain to tightly bound her wrists and hands together, she thrashed about making the process take a little longer. I stood up off her sliently and slaped her covered face with my palm, yanking the rope i slowly lead her out of the house not before she bumped into some of her funture and kocking over a table... I watched her with delight as she stumbled as i lead her to my car her knees shook and i could allmost hear her heart beating like a drum in her chest, she pulled back on the rope as she heard me open the boot of the car, Sliently i yanked her towards it and feed her slender sexy body inside, Closing it carefully i took a seat behind the wheel and drove off towards home... The sun set over the horrizen turning the sky i lovely shade of red, it was a pitty that Jinx could not see it inside the boot of my car as i drove, admiring its beauty my thoughs lingered over the night ahead of me, She was my best friend i had known her for years and i knew id be the last person she would expect to do this to her, that thought excited me the most watching the expression on her face as i unmasked her and reveled who her kidnapper was. the thought made me wet with desire and i pressed my foot firmly to the floor and sped off down the highway towards the sunset and my place, the sounds of her moving about in the boot of my car was soon muffled by the sound of the engine, every passing moment excited me more as home grew closer and closer. The sun had set as i pulled up outside my place the crickets cherping about as i steped out of the car and approched the boot, thumping the top and opening it slowly, her covered face turned upwards at the sound, i smiled and watched her helpless body for a moment, my eyes followed the length of her body from her head to her shoes before i grabed her firmly and pulled her out of the boot, she strugged alot less as i lead her arround the back of my house and into the seprate basement, i led her carefully down the steps and yanked her rope as she reached the bottem, she jerked forward as i grabed her tightly throwing the end of the rope over a pole near the celing and pulling her arms tightly with it before tieing it off, placing her neck down arround a large incomplete steel ring and latching it tightly together holding her face in place. My hands shaking with excitement as i take a long spreader bar and forces her legs apart and binds it tightly to her ankles. I slowly circled her my footsteps eccoing though the basement i could see her shake and quiver with each step, i took out a long shinny knife and pressed the blunt end agesnt her soft thigh, her body froze in place as the steel touched her skin she knew what i was as i slowly cut away her tight pants and sliced her cotten top open, pulling away the tattered rags that were her clothes and Smiled and left the room watching her quiver naked, cold and helpless as i left. I made my way inside the main house, slowly striped myself down and took a long shower, excited with the thoughs of jinx in my basement naked and helpless, my nipples became errect and hard as i moved my wet hands over them as i showered resisting the urges that plused thought my body, after a while i steped out and walked down the hall way naked to my bedroom, I begin to slip into the long hotpink thigh high stockings that i had layed out for the evening, even their cool touch made me quiver with excitement sliping my pink corset on tightly leave my breasts and nipples exposed i gasped as i tighten and tied the strings off, sliping my long gloves on over my hands and arms I turned and looked at myself in the mirror, my long coppery hair flowing over my shoulder and my dark red lips highlighting every feature of my smooth face, I could see the excitement as i stared myself in the crystal green eyes as i moved my fingers down over my skin and latex, turning away from the mirror i sliped into my heels and made my way down the hallway towards the door. I slowly rentered the basement and instantly noticed a small puddle and jinx's pussy driping onto the stone floor with excitement it made me want to leap down the stairs and start playing with my new toy, but i controlled myself and slowly steps down the stairs the heels eccoing thought the whole room as her covered face turned towards the sound with a soft moan of excitment, I walked over to a large oak cupboard her covered eyes following my every sound as i walked past her, opening it up with a loud creak i gazed over the vairous gags, dildos, paddles, whips and with a large smile on my face i wraped my fingers arround a large red ball gag and a nice wooden paddle, slowly approching the helpless girl i lifted her bag over her mouth and held my figners on her nose, after a minute she opened her mouth gasping for air as i forced the large rubbery ball inside and quickly and tightly attaching it to the back of her head, she struggled a little but soon gave in and accepted the large gag, not saying a single word i moved arround her helpless body and placed the paddle agesnt the exposed smooth cheeks of her ass rubbing the hard wood agesnt it as she wriggled and squirmed, my hands shaking with excitement as i pulled the wooden paddle back and softly spanked it over her ass, watching in delight as her body jerked foward from the light strike i began to rub her cheeks softly with the wood and pulled back again, striking her over the other cheek with the paddle with more force this time, her body jerked foward again to my delightl, again and again i spanked her cute ass watching it slowly turn i rosey glowing red, she began to let out muffled crys and i saw a few tears roll down her cheeks from the pain, i moved the paddle to the side and pressed it between the folds of her wet pussy, watching her glinsening juices slowly seep down over the wooden surface, she was as excited as i was and i quickly found my finger dancing over my breasts and down towards my own moist soft mound, slowly playing with myself as i grinded the side of the paddle into her watching her squrim in delight and moan at its touch. I couldnt help but let a soft moan out myself and her face perked up quickly, I stoped and stood still as a statue did she know it was me the thoughs of being discovered raced though my mind and excited me even more my fingers picked up their pace and fondled my little swollen clit as i droped the paddle with a crack on the stone floor and plungled my other finger into jinx's helpless soaking pussy, toying with her clit with my thumb as i massaged her inner walls feeling it try to grip my finger as i moved it back and forth inside her, i let out another louder moan as i worked myself futher and futher into the i mist of pleasure and desire, she moaned with me showing little consern about who was thrusting their finger into her soaking mound, my finger moved faster and faster inside of her i could feel her body begin to shake and struggled agesnt the restaints as she approched a orgasm, working my own clit and pussy faster with my other fingers i pushed myself to keep up with her body, we moaned loudly together as own bodys grew closer and closer to the edge of our pleasure and desire. I lent back and let loud a loud Squeal as my pussy released its juices down over my thighs and onto the stone as i pushed my body over the edge into a powerful orgasm, my eye rolling into the back of my head as i feel her soaking pussy quiver and spasm with her own orgasm, hearing her muffled moans and squeals though the gag. I stumble backwards my knees shaking and barely holding my body up as i walk over and take a firm gasp of the bag on jinx's head and reefs it quickly off, her eyes blink a couple times her sweat rolling down off her cheeks, her eyes widen with surprise as she reconises my form infront of her, her eyes fixated on my eyes with mixed signs of relef and surprise she muttered something garbled by the big gag in her mouth which made me Smile, i think she said my name with surprise but i cannot be sure, her eyes wandered southward over my breasts and onto my wet pussy and thighs, I took a hold of her face and leant foward burrying my pussy into her "Why dont you have a closer look Jinxy" I barked at her as a grinded myself into her helpless face. she couldnt do anything but accept it, i held her agesnt my wet fold for over a mintue before pulling away and watching her gasping for air, her face was covered in my juices and her eyes still surprised at what was going on. I moved away and walked back over the the cabnet, taking a pair of tight metal clamps with small weighted balls attached to them into my hands and moved back towards her. "Such a naughty girl Jinx, Cuming without permission, I will have to teach you a little lesson." in a soft and soothing voice as i knelt down and placed the clamps on the floor reaching up and slowly massaging her small cute breasts with my palms, stroking her softly as she moaned with pleasure i repositioned my fingers and traped her left nipple in my grip tugging it downward towards the floor, taking one of the clamps into my hand i extended its jaws and traped her nipple inside, delighted in her squeals as her lift nipple as squeezed and pulled downwards towards the floor, taking a hold of her right i could see her face shaking, her short hair bouncing arround slightly as i ignored her protests and clamped her right nipple tightly within its jaws, standing back up and steping back i taped the weights with the end of my shinny heel, watching her wince as they swayed her streched nipples back and forth as they dangled, the pain forcing tears down her cheeks mixing with my juices on her face, her squeals and moans excited me even more and i quickly headed back to the cabnet to see what else i had in store for my helpless toy, my eyes danced over the selection of dildos, floggers, probes and much more, in the end i took down a large anal plug and a little bottle of lube, i moved towards her again sqeezing some of the contents over the oversized plug, her eyes widen as she saw the toy and she instantly knew what was about to happen, i glaced at her face for a moment and moved behind her and wasted no time in squirting some lube agesnt her little rosebud, i pressed the tip of the large plug up agesnt her and wiggled it arround her rim, i could see her tighten and clentch her bud tryint to prevent the large invaider inside but after a few moments it was futile, the slippery plug slowly pushed its way past inside her tight ass, i twisted and moved it back and forth inside her with delightly, hearing her moan and squeal as her movements swayed the weights on her sore nipples, pushing the plug all the way inside slowly i watched her rose clamp down at the small secton near the base holding it fimly inside of her, i twisted the base and was delighted to hear the plug begin to vibrate and lightly buzz inside her tight ass, i moved back in front of her and smiled a excited smile at her face, she moaned as she looked up into my eyes beggingly question was though was she begging for more or for me to stop, I decieded it didnt matter either way and pressed my wet pussy agesnt the side of her face and begin to rub myself agesnt her, working in time with the vibrating plug moaning as her skin pressed into my clit and wet folds, every moan every squeal she made vibrated my clit sending me futher into escasty my fingers toyed and twisted my nipples as i grinded into her face, her eyes closed and moaned loudly, her body completely shaking sending pluse after pluse into my soft mound, I driped over her with lust and pleasure moving my pussy harder and faster agesnt her face as she came closer and closer to another orgasm, pushing myself harder into her face as i approched mine, we moaned loudly as our bodys drew closer to the edge, her nipples swayings side to side streched down by the relentless clamps, the plug in her ass continued to buzz away inside her. Arching myself backward as i presed hard into her face i let out another large squeals as my wet cunt explodes with orgasmic pleasure as another orgasm is forced from my body, jinx unable to contain herself any long moans and mumbles in her gag her eye rolling into the back of her head as another orgasm is riped forcefully from her body, plusing and shaking as the plug draws her orgasm out longer, slowly grinding myself into her face as i come down from orgasmic bliss and slowly pulling away from her face, watching her moan and quiver with pleasure and pain. I stand there with my legs still shaking and my cunt driping its juices down onto the stone floor watching her face, admiring her helpless form quiver and shaking away as the plug continues its assult on her ass, i slowly step away and yank off a large black cover on a 4 foot tall cage and swing the door open, moving back towards jinx i reach under her and take off the nipple clamps from her red sore nipples, she lets out a sigh as i rub her nipples and the blood begins to flow into them once more, she squeals as i rub her sore nipples firmly tuging and twisting them for a moment, i slowly rise myself up and unlatch her neck restraints and unties the spreader bar from between her legs, slowly untieing the rope holding her in place i watch her body fall to the ground still with the plug buzzing away in her ass, i pick her up off the ground and plant a kiss on her cum soak gag, licking arround her lips and tasting my self from her, her eyes gaze into mine beging as i hold her naked shaking body close to mine and pull her over towards the cage, tossing her down onto a cussion i had left in there for her and closing the door of the small cage, Smiling as she lay shaking and squriming "The plug should power down after a few hours so dont you worry Jinx it will be more then enough to make you cum a few more times" i said in a playful voice as she looked back towards me as i clicked the padlock into place. Giving her a quick smile slowly make my way towards the door, she mumbles something in protest as my heels ecco though the room, a satisfied feeling washes over my body as i grasp the handle of the door and open it with a loud creak, turning off the light and leaving her to orgasm in darkness, turning back for a moment. "Good night Jinxy" and closing the door behind me...
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