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AdelphaFreya's Profile
“We are not on this planet to ask forgiveness of our deities”
36 years old 
Plymouth, State N/A 
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AdelphaFreya PEOPLE from back in the DAY, I hope you are all well. Please STAY safe. Love you all. x
Latest Blog Entries: No blog entries found.
Last Profile Login: 2/5/2023
Last World Login: 2/5/2017
Member Since: 11/7/2007
General Info
I Am Here For: For a New Experience, To Meet People, To Make New Friends!
Marital Status: Happily Married
Children: Eventually
Education: College Graduate
Religion: Wiccan
Smoke: No
Drink: Yes
Occupation: Professional Photographer
Body Type: More to love!
Height: 5' 5"
Ethnicity: White / Caucasian
Languages: English, Typo for sure.
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Cash On Hand: ®14.50
AdelphaFreya's Scoop
About me:
A 33-year-old, married non-binary person, I still at the moment use She/Her pronouns but that may change in time. I have believe it or not, I have been on Utherverse from the VERY beginning when it was RLC or Red Light Center. Things haven't changed around here too much, which to be honest shocked me a little when I logged on to see things haven't upgraded at all. (I suppose the developers are going with, "if it ain't broke don't fix it" kind of attitude!) -Odd. I used to belong to a group on here made with all my friends called M_M or metal militia and had an absolute blast on here at the time. I have met some AMAZING people, which for some of them have indeed kept in contact with me during the 14 years or so. I suppose this section is supposed to be about me hey, well to be honest gone are the days of "brunette- DDLG- BDSM loving BPD craziness" things have changed ever so slightly, even though the BPD mental illness is still extremely relevant! Since I am married now (coming up to my 4th year) and been with him in a total of 12 years it's not SOMEONE I am looking for, but just friends now, and like I say, I have grown and preferences have changed along the way. I am Wica, the old style. Yes that is Wica, and not Wicca. (Look it up) I am a 3rd degree Gardnerian priestess and have been in the craft for around 14 years also, RLC at the time also had a massive part of who I am today.
Who I'd like to meet:
Well to be completely honest I just logged on to see what the crack was on here after so long, so this section is a little bit irrelevant, but If I had to choose I would say that I am looking for "friends" because I honestly don't believe that will happen on a site like this, I have experience In that field I can tell you!
More About AdelphaFreya
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My Favorite Websites:
This list used to be SO long back in 2007 when I had it filled out, but in all honesty, as I have grown up, my music taste has too. I used to be a complete GOTH and now things have calmed down ever so slightly, I still LOVE Metal, especially Symphonic Metal, but I am ever so verstiale when it comes to music and enjoy most things, to be honest. If you remember me from back "in the day" one thing that hasn't changed is my music taste when it comes to Frank Zappa.. so there's that!


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Profile Comments
Monday, December 24, 2012 05:12 PM PSTReport Links

Monday, December 24, 2012 03:01 PM PSTReport Links


Thursday, December 20, 2012 07:15 AM PSTReport Links

Wishing you the brightest of Holidays & if the world doesn't end, a fabulous New Year! Hope all is well with You! XoX, V.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012 03:56 AM PSTReport Links

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Sunday, April 08, 2012 07:53 AM PSTReport Links


Sunday, April 01, 2012 06:55 AM PSTReport Links


Sunday, March 25, 2012 01:25 PM PSTReport Links

XoX I know the feeling sis. love you

Saturday, March 17, 2012 12:40 PM PSTReport Links

*Pinch* XoX

Saturday, March 10, 2012 04:28 PM PSTReport Links


Sunday, February 26, 2012 04:20 PM PSTReport Links


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