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Cerydwen's 2257 Details
11/2/2010 7:47:00 PM Subject: NWR and our families of fondness and dear friends. Body: God Ekummo and Goddess Vampulator wish to express their deepest sorrows on the "death" of the Ekummo Bloodline. We did not mean to let it or it's members down. But Ekummo for now is gone. SOMEWHERE OUT THERE HIS BLOODLINE IS BURIED DEEP AND ENCHANTED HEAVILY & LIES IN ANOTHER REALM DORMANT AWAITING THE RIGHT OWNERS TO AGAIN RESURRECT HIS SPIRIT & EMBRACE HIM LOVINGLY. You see we did leave the line but due to factions beyond our control in the hands of others though we armed them with knowledge it was not enough time to fully train them. We do not blame others but ourselves. The fault lies here within us. This is the history of Ekummo. HE WAS ONE OF THE SEVEN SONS OF THE DREADED SEVEN DEMONS. The six other infants in a raging fury of bloodlust killed their mothers whilst draining their blood. Ekummo was the only one that recognised his mother would die & stopped. For that reason alone he was allowed to live and pillage the plains of mesopotania ... he became a most PROTECTIVE & feared warrior. Many hated him & wished him dead. One did set out to kill him and became victorious ... Ekummo's body layed there on the plains for all to see ... as a trophy of the victor. But most were afraid and horrified by his death for he was mesopotania's fierce protector in wartime. A DEMON WITCH BY THE NAME KNOWN AS HESPA TOOK PITY UPON HIM, FEELING THAT THE PEOPLE HE PROTECTED OWED HIM GREATLY. She went to his body, gathered his heart & blood into a special urn. She enchanted the urn and the spirit of Ekummo entered it. This was done so that he could be resurrected by the right persons & invoke his spirit out of dormancy. If the blood and heart were ingested he could then spiritually enter the persons body & spirit and they would become one entity ruling a vampiric bloodline for all eternity. If however this bloodline was not treated respectfully by the recipients, then the spell would break, and Ekummo once again would go dormant to await another to resurrect him. The heart and blood taken from the owners that did not follow his rules correctly and would once again be placed into an urn and buried secretly by the spirit of the Demon Witch Hespa. GOD EKUMMO IS NOW ONCE MORE DORMANT AND OUR APOLOGIES ARE MOST PROFUSELY GIVEN. We DECIDED THAT WE WILL NOT RESURRECT HIM BUT LEAVE HIM AT PEACE IN THE SECRET REALM. ONLY HIS WHEREABOUTS ARE KNOWN TO HESPA ALONE. WE STILL SEND OUT THANKS INTO THE SECRET REALMS FOR THE CHANCE WE HAD TO SERVE EKUMMO. Someday at Hespa's choosing ... but not by the choice of anyone who has heard of Ekummo ... he shall be resurrected again but perhaps a thousand generations from now. WE ARE EVER SO SORRY BUT ALL THAT WERE VAMPIRES OF THE EKUMMO LINE ARE NO MORE; AND WITH THE SPELL BEING BROKEN ALL RETURN TO HUMAN FORM. ALL MEMORIES OF THE EKUMMO LINE WILL FADE FROM OUR MINDS UNTIL A THOUSAND GENERATIONS ARE PAST. LONG LIVE THE HUMANS OF NWR. SO MOTE IT BE.
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